
1. Identity statement
Reference TypeConference Abstract (Conference Proceedings)
Holder Codeisadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S
Metadata Last Update2021: (UTC) administrator
Secondary KeyINPE--PRE/
Citation KeyNolascoPint:2012:UrAgPo
TitleUrban agriculture as a possible tool of environmental service provision – the case of the municipality of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Access Date2024, Apr. 19
Secondary TypePRE CI
2. Context
Author1 Nolasco, C. L.
2 Pinto, V. P. S.
2 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Conference NamePlanet Under Pressure Conference, (PUP).
Conference LocationLondon
Date26-29 Mar. 2012
Book TitleAbstracts
Tertiary TypePoster Session
History (UTC)2013-02-06 11:21:22 :: marciana -> administrator :: 2012
2021-03-06 19:30:45 :: administrator -> marciana :: 2012
3. Content and structure
Is the master or a copy?is the master
Content Stagecompleted
Content TypeExternal Contribution
Keywordsurban agriculture
environmental services
food suply
global changes
AbstractIn Brazil, the recent urbanization process has acquired a characteristic of expansion that differs from the model highly concentrated in metropolitan areas, expanding in number and size, the medium-sized cities with the same patterns of urbanization than metropolitan areas (CARVALHO, 2003). And as long food production spaces are being reduced as urbanization rises, there is also an increase on demand for food to urban dwellers, dependents on food market (RUAF, 2009) and vulnerable to supply and prices fluctuations. Knowing that global changes are not equal for all, or occur in the same way throughout the globe (Hulme, 2009), impacting most the more vulnerable ones, it is necessary to better understand the connections between urbanized space, food production, environment and people within urban systems. In this sense, this work aimed to understand the ecological dimension of urban agriculture (UA) in intra and periurban areas of the main district of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The research found 179 areas of UA occurrence, classified as: Social Projects of Municipal Schools, Institutions (public, religious, welfare and medical units), Commercial Productive Areas and Productive Backyards (in one neighborhood - Monte Castelo). Semi-structured interviews and field observations were carried out in a total of 77 areas. Empirically, it was possible to investigate the interactions between actors and environment. The results show a number of 173 cultivated plant species in the areas of UA, many of them, native from Brazil or Latin America, and also 69 species of wild animals that benefit from cultivated areas. The survey also demonstrates the importance of those areas of UA to those involved, for the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, for the maintenance of traditional knowledge and that it could be considered as a valuable environmental service provision tool for cities' sustainability.
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