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URLibService User's Guide
Version 2.1

Chapter 3

Customizing the Bibliographic Mirror

by Gerald J. F. Banon


Customizing the banner space content
Customizing the mirror home page
Customizing the submission forms
Customizing the review process
Implementing links and forms


With URLibService on (see Chapter 1), you can customize the Bibliographic Mirror.

The Bibliographic Mirror is the Web interface to the URLib collection.

Each URLib site has its own default mirror home page. You can customize the one you are in charge with.

In this chapter, we explain how to customize the mirror home page and the banner space content.

Before reading this chapter you should know how to use URLibService. Please read the online helps of this service beforehand.

Customizing the banner space content

The banner space is the area where the URLib banners are displayed.

There are two types of banners. First, the banners which are in the URLib Librarian charge, these banners are usually displayed on the left part of the banner space. Second, the banners which are in the local collection administrator charge. These banners are usually displayed on the right part of the banner space.

As a local collection administrator, you may control part of the banner space. You may post new banners, unpost old ones and define the banner display sequence.

Each banner must be deposited in a URLib repository which Content Type is defined as Banner.

In order to be displayed in the banner space, a banner must be referenced in the so-called banner sequence.

The banner sequence defines which banners must be displayed and in which order. This sequence is defined in a file called <@bannerSequence.tcl> and deposited in a repository which Content Type is defined as Banner Sequence.

To customize the banner space, follow the steps described below.

i. Deposit the document entitled URLib banner sequence contained in the repository <> in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD).

ii. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for this new repository by changing the document title to something like "My banner sequence".

iii. Click the Content Type link in the Check window for this repository and select the Banner Sequence option.

iv. Edit the file <@bannerSequence.tcl> in this repository in order to define the new the banner sequence.

Customizing the mirror home page

The mirror home page consists of three frames called Form, Button and About. Once duplicated, these frames may be customized.

OBSERVATION: if you want to customize the mirror home page http address, you may create a file called <index2.html> in the directory <>. This file has priority over the default one which is <index.html>.

To customize the mirror home page, follow the steps described below.

i. Deposit the document entitled Default mirror home page contained in the repository <> in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD) with the file <mirrorHomePage.html> selected. To learn how to use this tool, see the FAQ called "Como acrescentar um novo item de informação a partir de um já existente usando a janela do URLibService" pointing to ibi:8JMKD3MGP5W34M/3FU99GE.

Let <A> be the name of the new repository.

ii. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for the <A> repository by changing the document title to something like "My home page" or "Copy of the default mirror home page".

OBSERVATION: If the customization of the biblographic mirror doesn't include the customization of the file <mirrorHomePage.html> (for example, if it only includes the customizing of the submission forms), then this file must removed after beeing included in the <A> repository. In the absence of this file in <A>, the file <mirrorHomePage.html> in the repository <> is automatically used in its place. In this way, any update of the Default mirror home page reflects in the customized bibiogrphic mirror.

iii. Select the Local Bibliographic Mirror Repository in the URLibService window (its appears in the S button menu with the identification key UL::LoBiMi) and click the Parent Repository link in the Check window. The Parent Repository window for this repository will open, then change the line
and press the OK Button in this window.

OBSERVATION: the TCL variables set in <doc/displayControl.tcl> are overwitten by the TCL variables set in <auxdoc/displayControl.tcl>. This is a simple way to customize the submission forms: the default part lying in <doc> and the customized part in <auxdoc>.

iv. Deposit the document entitled English version of the default mirror pages contained in the repository <> in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD) with the files <enIndex.html>, <mirrorStandard.css>, and the files you are planning to modify (except all the files which are in the <mirror> directory) selected.

Let <B> be the name of the new repository.

OBSERVATION: English is considered the first language for the default mirror pages. If you plan not to use English and want a different first language (for example, Portuguese) then deposit instead the corresponding version of the default mirror pages (for Portuguese, deposit instead the document entitled Portuguese/Brazil version of the default mirror pages contained in the repository <>), following the same recommendations as in the English case.

v. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for the <B> repository by changing the document title to something like "English version of my home page". The Target File must remaind <enIndex.html>.

IMPORTANT: the document folder <B/doc> must NOT contain a file called <mirror/enAbout.tcl>.

OBSERVATION: to customize the background image used in the file <enButton.html>, just deposit the corresponding file <buttonBg.jpg> in the document folder <A/doc>.

vi. Select the <A> repository in the URLibService window and click the Parent Repository link in the Check window. The Parent Repository window for this repository will open, then enter the line
and press the OK Button in this window.

At this point, we have the following hierarchy (parent being placed upward):

                          (enAbout.html) <B>
                   (mirrorHomePage.html) <A> 

vii. Select the <B> repository in the URLibService window and click the Parent Repository link in the Check window. The Parent Repository window for this repository will open, then enter the line
and press the OK Button in this window.

At this point, we have the following hierarchy (parent being placed upward):

(<>) <22.11>
                          (enAbout.html) <B>
                   (mirrorHomePage.html) <A> 

HINT: If you need to access a file, called for example <myFile>, located in <B/doc>, from one of the dynamic files <enAbout.html>, <enButton.html> <enForm.html> and <enSimpleForm.html>, you should use the URL: <http://$env(SERVER_NAME):$env(SERVER_PORT)/col/$languageRep1/doc/myFile>. Or, alternatively, <../../../../../../../col/B/doc/myFile>.

HINT: If you need to access the dynamic file <enAbout.html>, located in <B/doc> from one file located in <B/doc> you should use the URL: <../../../../../../../col/A/doc/mirror.cgi/About?languagebutton=en>.

At this point, by entering your URLib site address in your Web browser, you will see again the default mirror home page. Nevertheless, what you will see is indeed the page to be customized.

If the default mirror home page cannot be not displayed, you should check the target file name of the local bibliographic mirror repository (or of the bibliographic mirror repository which is the child of repository <A>) by clicking the Edit Button and scrolling down until the Target File field appears. It must be <mirror.cgi>.

viii. Edit the files in the document folders <A/doc> and <B/doc> to customize the mirror home page. This mirror home page must be in English.

If the mirror home page must appear in more than one language, follow the next steps for each language.

ix. Deposit the document contained in the repository <B> in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD) with all the files selected.

Let <C> be the name of the new repository and let <cc> be the language code (for example, <cc> = <fr> for french) for that repository.

IMPORTANT: the document folder <C/doc> must NOT contain a file called <mirror/ccAbout.tcl>.

x. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for the <C> repository by changing the document title according to the new language.

xi. Rename the files in the document folder <C/doc> changing the language code prefix <en> into <cc>. Edit these files translating them into the new language.

xii. In the File List of the Check window for the <C> repository, click the file name <ccIndex.html> by using the mouse right button. This file name turns into red indicating that the file <ccIndex.html> is the target file for the <C> repository.

xiii. Click the Parent Repository link in the Check window for the <C> repository. The Parent Repository window for this repository will open, then enter the lines
and press the OK Button in this window.

Where <D> is the repository name of the default mirror page in the same language as the one planned for the mirror home page in <C>. For example, <D> = <> for Portuguese/Brazil (pt-BR). If the desired language doesn't exist, choose the most meaningful among the existing ones in the current version of URLibService.

At this point, we may have the following hierarchy (parent being placed upward):

(<>) <22.11>
                          (enAbout.html) <B> <D> (<>)
                                         / \ /
                 (mirrorHomePage.html) <A> <C> (pt-BRAbout.html)

OBSERVATION: optionaly, you may enter a <+> as shown below:
<../../../../../../col/B +>
then you can execute the following optionaly steps.

xiv. (optional) Click the Language link in the Check window for the <C> repository. The Language window for this repository will open, then select the <cc> language and press the OK Button in this window.

xv. (optional) Select the <B> repository in the URLibService window and click the Language link in the Check window. The Language window for this repository will open, then select the <en> language and press the OK Button in this window.

HINT: If you need to access a file, called for example <myFile>, located in <C/doc>, from one of the dynamic files <ccAbout.html>, <ccButton.html>, <ccForm.html> and <ccSimpleForm.html>, you should use the URL: <http://$env(SERVER_NAME):$env(SERVER_PORT)/col/$languageRep1/doc/myFile>. Or, alternatively, <../../../../../../../col/C/doc/myFile>.

HINT: If you need to access the dynamic file <ccAbout.html>, located in <C/doc> from one file located in <C/doc> you should use the URL: <../../../../../../../col/A/doc/mirror.cgi/About?languagebutton=cc>.

Customizing the submission forms

Customizing the submission forms may be independent of customizing the mirror home page. It is assumed that the steps i. to iii. of the previous section have been made (the steps iv to xv are optional).

To customize the submission forms, follow the steps described below.

i. Deposit (again) the document entitled Default mirror home page contained in the repository <> in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD) with the file <displayControl.tcl> selected.

Let <E> be the name of the new repository.

ii. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for the <E> repository by changing the document title to something like "My submission forms".

iii. Click the Content Type link in the Check window. The Content Type window for this repository will open, then select the option Submission Form and press the OK Button in this window.

iv. Select the <A> repository in the URLibService window and click the Parent Repository link in the Check window. The Parent Repository window for this repository will open, then add the line
and press the OK Button in this window.

At this point, we may have the following hierarchy (parent being placed upward):

                                       <22.11> (<>)
                (displayControl.tcl) <E> <B> <D> (<>)
                                       \ / \ /
                 (mirrorHomePage.html) <A> <C> (pt-BRAbout.html)

OBSERVATION: if <displayControl.tcl> exists in the <A> repository, then it is ignored. It is now the <displayControl.tcl> in <E> that is mandatory and can be used for customizing the submission forms.

OBSERVATION: the variables in <doc/displayControl.tcl> are overwitten by the variables in <auxdoc/displayControl.tcl>. This is another and simple way to customize the submission forms: the default part lying in <doc> and the customized part in <auxdoc>.

If you need to customize the language of the filling instructions, you must proceed implementing the following steps.

v. Deposit (again) the document entitled English version of the default mirror pages contained in the repository <> in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD) with the files
<mirrorStandard.css> and
and all the files in the folder <instructions> that you are planning to modify, selected.

Optionaly, you may select the files
<enUserPage.html> and/or
<enAdvancedUserPage.html> as well.

Let <F> be the name of the new repository.

If you need to access a file, called for example <myFile>, located in <F/doc>, from one of the above files, you can use the URL: <http://$env(SERVER_NAME):$env(SERVER_PORT)/col/$submissionFormLanguageRep/doc/myFile>.

OBSERVATION: You should choose as first language for the submission forms the same first language you have chosen fo the default mirror pages (see previous section).

vi. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for the <F> repository by changing the document title to something like "English version of my submission forms". The Target File must be <enFillingInstructions.tcl>.

vii Select the <E> repository in the URLibService window and click the Parent Repository link in the Check window. The Parent Repository window for this repository will open, then enter the line
and press the OK Button in this window.

At this point, we may have the following hierarchy (parent being placed upward):

       (enFillingInstructions.tcl) <F> <22.11> (<>)
                                     \    | 
                (displayControl.tcl) <E> <B> <D> (<>)
                                       \ / \ /
                 (mirrorHomePage.html) <A> <C> (pt-BRAbout.html)

At this point, by clicking any submission links in your Web browser, you will see again the submission forms. Nevertheless, what you will see are indeed the forms to be customized.

viii. Edit the files in the document folders <E/doc> and <F/doc> to customize the submission forms. These submission forms must be in English.

If the submission forms must appear in more than one language, follow the next steps for each language.

ix. Deposit the document contained in the repository <F> in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD) with all the files selected (or no file selected).

Let <G> be the name of the new repository and let <cc> be the language code (for example, <cc> = <fr> for french) for that repository.

If you need to access a file, called for example <myFile>, located in <G/doc>, from one of the files in <G> , you can use the URL: <http://$env(SERVER_NAME):$env(SERVER_PORT)/col/$submissionFormLanguageRep/doc/myFile>.

x. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for the <G> repository by changing the document title according to the new language.

xi. Rename the files in the document folder <G/doc> changing the language code prefix <en> into <cc>. Edit these files translating them into the new language.

xii. In the File List of the Check window for the <G> repository, click the file name <ccSubmit.html> by using the mouse right button. This file name turns into red indicating that the file <ccFillingInstructions.tcl> is the target file for the <G> repository.

xiii. Click the Parent Repository link in the Check window for the <G> repository. The Parent Repository window for this repository will open, then enter the line
and press the OK Button in this window.

At this point, we may have the following hierarchy (parent being placed upward):

       (enFillingInstructions.tcl) <F> <22.11> (<>)
                                   / \    | 
  (pt-BRFillingInstructions.tcl) <G> <E> <B> <D> (<>)
                                       \ / \ /
                 (mirrorHomePage.html) <A> <C> (pt-BRAbout.html)

Customizing the review process

The documents of the type  'Conference Proceedings'  can be reviewed. To customize the review process, follow the steps described below.

i. Deposit the Empty Document in a new repository by using the URLibService tool Depositing a Document (DD).

Let <H> be the name of the new repository.

ii. Save in the document folder <H/doc> a file called:

The content of this file must be the following line:
[[Load ../../../../../../$languageRep2/doc/${language}SubjectList.html fileContent; set fileContent]]

iii. Click the Content Type link in the Check window for repository <H> and select the Tcl Page option.

iv. Click the Parent Repository link in the Check window. The Parent Repository window will open, then enter the line
(where <E> is the submission form repository that contains the appropriate controlArray.tcl file) and press the OK Button in this window.

v. Click the User With Write Permission link in the Check window and select the word: <administrator>.

vi. (Optional step) Click the User With Read Permission link in the Check window and select the word: <administrator>.

vii. In the File List of the Check window click the file name <subjectList.html> by using the mouse right button. This file name turns into red indicating that the file <subjectList.html> is the target file.

viii. Customize the conference forms opening the Administrator page for customizing the conference forms within the <E> repository.

ix. Click the Edit Button and update the metadata for the <H> repository by incluing in document title the conference acronym as defined in the Administrator page for customizing the conference forms.

x. Place the lines bellow in the <displayControl.tcl> file within <E/doc>.

set userNameList(Misc) {[ReplicateTwice $userGroup] [list {Other Reviewer} {Other Reviewer} {Closed Review} {Closed Review} {Declined Review} {}]}
set readUserNameList(Misc) {}

if [info exists userGroup] {
	array set optionTable2 [list Misc,%@documentstage [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup] {{{Send Review} {Closed Review}} {{Other Reviewer => } {Other Reviewer}} {{Decline Review} {Declined Review}}}]]

Implementing links and forms

Within any Web pages, you can implement links and forms. Some examples are given below. In these examples the server address is <> and the bibliographic mirror repository is <>.

Example 1 - Programmed search with result in a new window without a Return Button
Source code
<A HREF= TARGET="Customizing the Bibliographic Mirror">URLibService References</A>
Resulting line
URLibService References

Example 2 - Search field with result in a new window without a Return Button
Source code
<FORM method=GET
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="prefixquery" VALUE="ti urlibservice and -">
<FONT SIZE=-1>Search the URLibService References - Enter keywords: 

Resulting line
Search the URLibService References - Enter keywords: 
Example 3 - Search field with result in the briefTitleAuthorMisc format and in a new window without a Return Button
Source code
<FORM method=GET
onsubmit="return ProcessQuery(document.submit.query.value)"
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="prefixquery" VALUE="usern">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="choice" VALUE="briefTitleAuthorMisc">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="outputformat" VALUE="update">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="linktype" VALUE="7">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="dontdisplaysearchresultwarning" VALUE="x">
<FONT SIZE=-1>Search for your works - Enter your login (e-mail address): 
function ProcessQuery(value) {
var queryPattern = /\*/
var matchFlag = value.match(queryPattern)
if (matchFlag != null) {
alert("The query must not contain the '*' character.\n\nPlease enter your login without the '*' character.")
return false
var eMailPattern = /^[^<\s@]+@[^@\s>]+$|^$/
var matchFlag = value.match(eMailPattern)
if (matchFlag == null) {
alert("The login is not an e-mail address.\n\nPlease enter a valid e-mail address.")
return false
return true

Resulting line
Search for your works - Enter your login (e-mail address): 

Example 4 - Search help in a new window without a Return Button
Source code
<A HREF= TARGET=_blank>Help by Examples</A>
Resulting line
Help by Examples

Example 5 - Search help in this window with a Return Button to this page (at <>)
Source code
<A HREF=>Help by Examples</A>
Resulting line
Help by Examples